Monday, October 28, 2013

UKIP: Germany's Immigration Level at 20 Year High

Spain: The dashed dreams of immigrants | Global 3000

Over the past few years, Spain has become home to hundreds of thousands Latin American immigrants. They thrived there during the construction boom era, but now that the real estate bubble has burst, their dreams have been wrecked.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Teen Stress

Watch the first 5 minutes of the programme and answer the following questions?
What causes stress to teenagers?
Why is high school stressful?
How does stress change as you grow up?
Do adults also suffer from stress?
Do adults understand teen stress?

Sham Weddings

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard (part 1)

Are South Korea's lavish weddings forever?

17 September 2013 Last updated at 16:15 BST
The average South Korean couple will stump up thousands of dollars for lavish weddings, on top of contributions from parents.
With many young couples defaulting on their loans and credit higher than ever, Lucy Williamson asks whether they can afford to keep up with the expensive tradition.

Mother's Day

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Festivals and festivities

Are there any interesting festivals in your town or country?


Give a short talk about a festival or special event from your own country or region, or any other you’ve been to.
Before you begin, make notes under these headings.

The name of the event or festival
- Where it’s held- When it takes place and how long it lasts
- What it celebrates/ the reasons for the event
- Who takes part.
- It’s origins (if known)
- What special preparations it needs,i.e. costumes/decorations
- Food and drink
- How it begins- What happens during the event/ it’s atmosphere
- How it ends- How the event has changed over the years.

Useful language
Right then, I’m going to tell you a little bit about the festival of/called …..
I think it’s one of the most (interesting/ touching ………..) I …………….
It’s a (ten-day) festival and takes place in …………………………..
As you can probably know/guess, it’s a festival which is completely dedicated to _____________________.
Many people take part in the festival.
It celebrates……………………………
Over the years It has become / it is extremely popular, people take a great deal of pride in it.
More and more people come each year to watch the ceremony.
It really is quite a moving occasion.

Zaragoza celebrates its most important festivity in honour of the Virgen del Pilar in the days before and after 12th October.
According to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint James the apostle on the banks of the river Ebro in the same place where the basilica now stands.
The festivity has something for everyone to enjoy with cultural, musical and bullfighting activities.
Other important attractions include the processions of giants and bigheads, which are very traditional, and of course the traditional local music and dancing known as the Jota.
The most important religious acts include the offering of flowers on 12th October. People come from all over the region and the country dressed in typical regional costume to offer flowers to the virgin.
These are then used to make a very large and beautiful covering for the base of the statue. There is also a dawn mass on the same day and the beautiful
glass rosary, a procession which takes place through the streets of Zaragoza at dusk on 13th.
These festivities have been declared of special national interest for tourists.

Monday, October 7, 2013