Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Albert Einstein Biography

Listen to Albert Einstein biography and fill in the missing information.

1.He was born in Germany into a _____________________________ family.
2. Einstein claims that one of the most important influences was a _______________________ called Imaz Talmud. 
3. Eventually end to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich where he trained _____________________ .
4. He got married in ____________________ .
5. In 1914 he returned to _____________________ .
6. IN 1921 he was ___________________ the Nobel Prize for Physics.
7.He emigrated to the United States and became  notable in American society not only as a ________________________ but also as __________________ and promoter of peace and free-thinking.
8. In 1952 he ___________________ the presidency of Israel,  a cultural leadership position .