Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hypnosis Giving up smoking
His role essentially is to help a client to bypass the conscious thinking mind in a clinical context; a client will be guided into very deep relaxation, their conscious thinking mind rather like a screen saver switches off and their unconscious mind becomes more receptive to suggestion. It’s not something that the therapist does to their client so it’s not like it’s portrayed on television where you have a hypnotherapist saying things like: look into my eyes, you won’t go will go under, that’s very authoritarian. That doesn’t tend to work.
In order to give up smoking one condition is necessary which is that the clients need to be motivated, they’ve got to want to give up in the sense that if a client rings up and says I really want to give up smoking because it’s bad for my health and it costs me a lot of money bla, bla , bla , that’s really good but if they round it off with “but I really enjoy my cigarette after a meal” or “my wife sent me here” or “I really enjoy that cigarette with the boys, you know, I can’t smoke at work” then they don’t really have the motivation, they are doing it for somebody else.
They’re more likely to relax, they’re more likely to go back to smoking and after for a slight trauma or incident like for example having an argument at work, they might go back smoking or if they find they had a particularly stressful day, they go back smoking but if the client comes in and says “I really don’t want to smoke any more, it’s really affecting my health, I’ve got two young children, it’s costing me a lot of money, I really want to stop but I don’t know how to do it”.
Then I can help them and any good therapist can then help. GPs, surgeons, the medical profession as a whole is beginning to recognize that hypnotherapy and self-induced relaxation is a very powerful therapeutic tool and often is used for where medicine can’t be used or when drug therapy is not a viable option. In fact a lot of my clients have actually come having been recommended to go and find a hypnotherapist by the GP. Hypnotherapy has grown a lot in the last few years.
Smoking is a good success rate because I do paradoxically; I do try to put my clients off, because I really want to test whether they want to give up. It is a one non-stop session but it is full on, in the sense, you know, there’s a lot of information that I give clients and it’s for two and a half hours, that’s the bad part, but after the two and a half hours they will no longer smoke. From the feedback that I’ve got we are looking at between about eighty-ninety per cent so it ¡s quite high Hypnotherapy is according some research the most effective technique to give up smoking simply because it by-passes your conscious mind and it gets to the root cause of why people smoke which is the stress.

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