Tuesday, November 25, 2014

One Step Beyond: Predicting Earthquakes

One Step Beyond: Predicting Earthquakes

Watch the video clip and fill in the missing information.

1.       Jim claims to have predicted 100 earthquakes in the past ______________ .
2.       Jim believes that up to two weeks before an earthquake the number of pets that ______________________________increases.
3.       In ____________________he knowledge 18 missing cats and 58 missing dogs
4.       He has a ____________________of people from various countries that report on what the animals are doing.
5.       A Japanese scientist has shown that animals are sensitive to ________________________________produced by seismic activity.
6.       Just every animal checked has the __________________Magnetite in its body.
7.       Tides tell him the time of a high probability for a quake but don’t tell him _______________________________
8.       The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami occurred during a _____________ Zyzygy .

9.       Iit was reported in all National Parks birds and animals had fled to higher grounds and in coastal areas animal were found __________________

     Answers: 30 years, go missing, 1089, network, electromagnetic waves, mineral, where and how big, full moon, unharmed.

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