Monday, November 25, 2013

Pet Benefits - Learn about some of the health benefits that come with owning a pet.

Pet Benefits - Learn about some of the health benefits that come with owning a pet.
Watch from 4.04 up to 5.26
Pet Benefits
AZUZ: Shifting now from politics to pets. If you've been pushing your parents to get you a dog or cat, you might want to show them this next report. Pet owners do a lot for their animals. But according to some scientists, those furry friends are doing something good for us, too: improving our health! Judy Fortin dives into the details.
JUDY FORTIN, CNN HEALTH REPOTER: People tend to dote on their pets. They groom them, even dress them, and spend a lot of time walking them.
JENNIFER ECKERSON, PET OWNER: We walk 5, 6, 7 days a week, 30 minutes every day at least.
FORTIN: Jennifer Eckerson's dog Rosco gets her up and out of bed almost every morning. Dr. Edward Creagan says owning a pet can be a prescription for good health.
DR. EDWARD CREAGAN, MAYO CLINIC ONCOLOGIST: Many times, I will put on a prescription pad: one cat, one dog, indefinite refills.
FORTIN: Creagan adds there is evidence to back the claims.
CREAGON: Studies have shown that individuals who have pets have lower blood pressure, they have a decrease in a stress hormone which is called cortisol, and they have a higher level in their blood stream of feel-good hormones.
FORTIN: Creagan says companionship is good for everyone.
ECKERSON: He doesn't know if you've had a bad day, he doesn't know, uh, he's just happy to see you no matter what.
FORTIN: Unconditional love with the added benefit of good health. Yet another reason to enjoy the company of man's, or in this case, woman's best friend.

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