Monday, January 20, 2014

What exactly is identity theft?

First exercise:
What exactly is identity theft? After you watch the video from youtube Identity Theft FAQ’S (frequently asked questions) write a definition,why and how it happens and the different types of identity theft the speaker mentions.
Second exercise:
Complete the gaps:
1. Most people think most identity thefts are ______________ or ____________ however that only ____________________ 20%.

2. The most common form of social security theft is when someone uses your __________________________ to gain _____________ and ___________ .

3. Medical ID theft is the _______________________________because if you were a victim of this type of theft and you were needing an operation doctors would give you ________________________, _________________________, or even refuse to__________________________.

4. In Synthetic ID theft, five people are ______________________and a new person is ___________________ .

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