Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Making Diet Resolutions Stick

Making Diet Resolutions Stick
with Jonathon E. Stewart
Why make a diet resolution if you can't keep it for more than a week? Try these tips to keep you in check and make your weight loss resolution a habit you keep with you all year long.

Transcript: Making Diet Resolutions StickHey guys - Jonathon Stewart here for Getting into the habit of eating healthy, nutritious foods will not only help you to lose weight, feel better, and live longer, it will also give you the self-confidence of knowing you can create a positive change in your life. But how do you make a resolution about your diet that you'll actually stick to? Easy-peasey, japanesey! Check it out.
View Your Diet Resolution as a Lifestyle Change First, don't think of what you're doing as restricting yourself from anything. If you're trying to lose weight or cut inches off your body, or just eat more healthy, nourishing foods, think of the endeavor as a change in lifestyle - not as something that you have to eliminate from your life, temporarily or otherwise. This includes making sure that your diet has variety - don't limit yourself to just eating grapefruit in the morning, or cottage cheese at lunch. Take some time to research healthy foods that are high in nutrition and low in fat or excessive carbohydrates, and head to the grocery store with a list. Think of it as a new food exploratory adventure!
Set Realistic Diet ResolutionsNext, be realistic about the goals you set for yourself. With the help of your doctor, a nutritionist, or some well-thought out research online, make a plan and write it down, along with short and long term mileposts. If you're slimming down, aim for losing a half pound to two pounds a week at the most, and be sure to chart your progress as you go. Making an ongoing list of things that you look forward to doing, and how you plan to feel when you reach your goals can help to keep you focused as well. Spend a little time each day specifically concentrating on your new you, and feeling good about yourself as you go.
Find a Diet Resolution Buddy You might also think about recruiting a buddy who shares a similar resolution with you - a spouse, sibling, or good friend can be a great person to plan meals with, just don't let their downfalls suck you in. They should be there to support your success, not the other way around.
Be Aware of Diet Temptations Be able to identify trouble spots that are likely to kick you back into old eating habits, like Tuesday Wing Night after work, or the coffee shop where you once indulged in a daily triple-fat venti mochacino. Find new routines to support your new healthy eating habits, and remember that in every moment, you are in control of what you put in your body. Because the only person who's guiltily stuffing that bacon-wrapped hot dog into your mouth at 3am is you.
Remember to Bounce Back Finally, don't be discouraged by setbacks. There's every likelihood that you may stumble, just don't let it knock you off track. Get back up, dust yourself off, redouble your resolve, and never look back. And before you know it, you really will be a new you.

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